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It’s good to be a plumber in Dublin

A few years ago I moved to Ireland, in search of a better life. I didn’t have any plans, I just needed to go away from my home town. Having a passion for everything Irish, I the happiest person when I finally decided to move to Dublin.

plumbing1For starters, I have to say, I wasn’t much of a good pupil, while in school, so I have not graduated any college, just the high school. However, I always knew I would like to have my own business, I just didn’t know what it would be. Another thing you must know about me is that I also have a brother that chose to come with me. So there we were, two young men looking for a job, in Dublin.

Not much longer after we arrived, we got the same job, and I just saw myself being a plumber in Dublin. After I worked as a plumber for almost two years, I learned everything there is to be about plumbing. Therefore, my brother and I decided to build our own plumbing business here.

Of course, my old bosses weren’t very happy, but capitalism takes its toll.

So, here I am, five years later, having my own plumbing business in Dublin. To tell you’re the truth, I think it was the wisest decision I have ever made. Dublin is quite an old city that is constantly developing, so plumbers always have a place here, either with the old plumbing (fixing it) or assembling new one in construction sites.

My team has enlarged five times, since we opened the business, and we now count more than 20 plumbers. I must say I am more than pleased to have the opportunity to hire people, and give them jobs, especially after the horrific 2008 crisis, that we are still trying to get over with.  I think I am doing a good job, because I am trying to get even the most unfortunate ones, at least a job as a plumber in Dublin.